Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Good golly,  I need to go to bed earlier.

Last night was a super late night.  I didn't go upstairs to get ready for bed until 12:35.

Yikes.  And it's not like I was doing anything especially important.

I blogged, I surfed pinterest, and then I started to knit.  At 10:30.

That was my mistake.  What I did come to realize last night is that I am a goal knitter.

So, I started knitting and had a goal in mind of how much I wanted to get done.  And once I got to that point, then I would go to bed.

And I knew this morning it was going to be hard to wake up.

But I reached my goal.  Yay for goal knitting.  Sort of.

So, this morning it was a little rough getting going.  But, not as hard as I thought it was going to be.  And my morning coffee was especially savored.

As was my mid-afternoon coffee.  Oh, and the coffee I had at knitting tonight.

So with all that coffee, it's sure to be another late night.  Ha!  Just kidding.

I am so going to bed earlier tonight.  Midnight's early, right?

No really, I am going to do my best to be upstairs by 11:30.  No really, I am.

potd #44.  Enjoy D's "how to play basketball" drawing.  I love the step-by-step of how to shoot a basket.  And the expression of the ball being dribbled is fantastic.  At least I think it is!

She just makes me smile with pictures like this one.  And you can't miss the smiley face with the double exclamation points.  That is her teachers' influence. Love it.

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