Friday, March 9, 2012

Birthday Breakfast

Today was the birthday of my good friend, S.

A bunch of us decided to take her out to breakfast.  Since there were 8 of us, plus S's youngest, I would qualify that as a bunch.

When I walked in the back door of the restaurant immediately I heard laughter.  Yup, that's my bunch!

Just about all of us that go to R's house for 1st Friday were there and we were lucky enough to have another friend, C join us.

I have a lot of C's in my life for friends.  I haven't figured out how to differentiate all the C's in my life here on my blog.  Something to ponder.

Now back in December, it was C's, of the 5 pump Chai, birthday.  And breakfast plans were made.

And then I went to Florida with Hubby and the girls for a few days.  Breakfast was planned for the day after we got home.

Guess what?

I completely forgot about our breakfast plans for C.  I only remembered after I was already in the midst of running Christmas errands and S called to leave me a message to see if I was coming to breakfast.

Ack!  I felt terrible.  To make me feel a bit better, my friend J also forgot.

Now, I've seen C many times since the missed breakfast.  And she is a sweetheart and doesn't appear to hold my memory loss against me.

In going to breakfast today I decided to bring C a little something and J & I got her a belated birthday card from the both of us.  Her reaction was priceless when she saw that we brought her something.

I swear C, next December there is NO WAY I am forgetting your birthday.  

We had a great breakfast.  Lots of laughter, lots of talking, and plenty of coffee.

Here are my weekly finds from Pinterest:

Here is a recipe for Lemon Ice Box Pie.  I love lemon.

This pudding dessert looks fabulous.  It's official name is Sex in a Pan.  Huh.

Here is a tutorial for flattened wine bottles.  I am very intrigued by this and think I would like to try it.

These Easter Eggs are made by using crayons on hot hard boiled eggs.  This looks like great fun.

Yup, I am definitely in garden mode.  This method for growing cilantro looks easy.  I love that you can do it in a container.  And it means yummy guacamole all spring/summer/fall.

This colored pencil vase looks like a great teacher gift.

Frozen yogurt dots.  They look yummy & easy.  A great snack for the girls.  And me too!

potd #67.  The birthday girls.  Belated and present.  C is on the left and S is on right.  Happy Birthday Ladies!

1 comment:

  1. That colored pencil case is a great idea! Good find. That's so funny about forgetting the breakfast, I have made many a mistake like that :)
