Saturday, March 10, 2012

Springing Ahead

So, tonight is the night we lose an hour of sleep.

I am ok with this.  Granted, I will be tired for the next couple of days.  But, it will be light out til 7 pm tomorrow night.

Woohoo.  I love it when it becomes light out at night.

So even though I will be tired, there will be a spring in my step.

And the bonus is that the weather forecast for the weeks looks spectacular. Seriously Spectacular.

Very high 60's predicted.  Yay!

Since I am blogging at 11:30, which really is like 12:30, I am going to be short and sweet.

Here are the bullet points to my day:

-girls made Hubby breakfast.

Hubby was a little cranky this morning.  Which is unlike him.  Very unlike him.

When they decided to make breakfast, they tried to convince Hubby it was time to go take a shower.  I even piped in.

He was not taking the bait.  And was cranky.

So, I very gently but firmly and with some eye gestures suggested that it would be a great time to go take a shower.  Hint, hint, hint.

Thankfully, he got it.  Phew.  Off to the shower he went.  And the girls got busy.

They were so sweet.  They made him oatmeal, poured coffee, put a Chobani yogurt in a bowl, and cut him a kiwi.  And D made him the sign.  So cute.

E loved using one of the "fancy" bowls I found thrifting.

Happy girls with their now uncranky Daddy.  How can you be cranky when your girls make you breakfast?  Instant cure for cranky.

Sweet girls.  Definitely want to freeze them at this age.  Love my little family.

-girls had basketball and Sissy came to watch.  Lots of fun.

-Hubby installed the new knobs that I bought for some drawers and cabinets in the kitchen.  And proceeded to empty 3 of our kitchen junk drawers.  Ugh.

-In my Year of the Cat, cleaned up junk from the junk drawers.  Surprisingly, we now only have 2 junk drawers.  Yes, one whole drawer of junk was tossed.  Yay Year of the Cat!

-baked another Irish Soda Bread to go to Sissy's house for our corned beef dinner.

This is so, so good!

-went to Sissy's for dinner.  It was delicious.  Really, really delicious.  Thanks Sissy!

Girls went with my niece K to see her high schools' production of Beauty and the Beast.  They had a great time.

It was a big night since it was the first time they were able to drive with K.  And it was at night.

-came home and put girls to bed.  And realized that I still needed to blog.

-blogging about done and then off to bed.

 potd #68.  Love this picture of D hugging Hubby, even though it's blurry.  She has great hugs.  Puts every ounce of her love for you into her hug.  Hope she never stops doing that.


  1. You still wrote a ton even though you were tired! Breakfast looked amazing, your girls are incredible. My daughter in in CT this weekend sleeping over at my cousins house and is going to see "Beauty and The Beast" this afternoon. Enjoy springing ahead!!

  2. she will love it! the girls have been talking about it all day-- they even wanted to go see it again this afternoon!
