Friday, June 1, 2012

Time To Plant

Did some veggie planting today.

7 tomato plants of various varieties.

3 yellow squash and 3 zucchini.  4 bush bean plants.  And 1 eggplant.

And I am not finished yet.  I just ran out of time this afternoon.

I still have cucumbers, a couple pepper plants, sugar pumpkins, basil(lots of basil), 1 more each of squash and zucchini, and a few more tomatoes to plant.

I feel like I am forgetting something, but I just can't think of what it is that I am forgetting.  Hmmmm.

Guess I better get busy.

Best of all is that by mid-summer we will be reaping the benefits of my labor.

And I am going to be trying to do this as best as I can organically.

Doing research on how to keep the animals and pests away from my plants.

What I haven't mentioned is all of the flowers that need to be planted as well.

Lots and lots of flowers.  In beds.  In pots.  All over.

Plus I have some perennials that need to be moved around the yard into different flower beds.

I definitely think I better get busy.

Hoping the rain that is forecasted for tomorrow clears out for Sunday.

Might have to recruit the girls to help me.  Nothing wrong with a little child labor, right?

And wouldn't you know it that my camera battery died tonight when I went out to snap a few pictures.

Good thing I was able to get in a few before I got the dreaded "change battery pack" alert and the screen went black.

potd #151.  A happy, just planted tomato plant.  Man, do I love the smell of tomato plants.  Reminds me of helping my dad in the garden when I was a little one.  There is just nothing like the scent of a fresh tomato plant.  And I love a freshly planted garden.  That definitely makes me happy.

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