Sunday, June 10, 2012


With summer coming and knowing how busy our weekends can get, I thought it would be a great idea to introduce "Snapshots" on Sundays.

This way I could still blog on Sundays, but not feel the pressure to really write too much.

Mostly I will just post a few pictures from our Sunday.

Maybe every now & then I will write a bit.  Probably will depend on how interesting our day is on that particular Sunday.

Or how late I sit down to blog.  The later I sit down, the less I will write.  Mostly because at that point, I am sure I will be tired.

And for those counting, we have 8 more school wake ups until summer vacation.

Only 1 more weekend.

So, here are a couple snapshots from our day.

D playing her recorder that she brought home from school Thursday.

They learned to play a few songs in music class.  She brought home the music sheets.

Now, she is starting to really play with it and is figuring out songs on her own.

Since Thursday, she has taught herself to play one of the songs from The Peanuts. She was so surprised when she figured it out.  She couldn't stop giggling.

She has also taught herself a bit of a song that was played at the piano recital.  It's a song that has been played fairly recently on the radio.  I forget the name of it right now.

In this picture she is playing Carol of the Bells.  I love how her eyes are looking up. She is concentrating on the notes.  Playing & figuring notes out until they are just about right.

Her ear for music just astounds me.

E looking at Hubby.  Just after he came home.  She was so happy to see him.

I was happy that he had not been eaten by a bear.

This morning she came into bed to snuggle with me when she woke up.

She was sweet and snuggly.  But, she missed her dad.  And was a bit sad.  Couple of tears fell.

Good thing Hubby was coming home today.

It was a long week.  Hubby traveled for work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

The girls do pretty well for the most part when he travels.  But every now and then they miss him a little bit extra.

This was one of those times for E.

We're all happy Hubby is home.  And not traveling this week.

Everybody was happy to see Hubby.  Even Lucy.

I love the expression on Hubbys' face.

D has hollered down to him from the bathroom.

She had just gone up to start her shower when Hubby got home.

When she heard his voice, she popped her head in the window and yelled out, "Hi Dad!!"

D was happy to see Hubby too.

And I would say from Hubby's expression he's happy to see D.

potd #160.  E running up to see Hubby just after he drove in the driveway.  She leapt into his arms.  Very happy to see her dad.

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