Sunday, June 24, 2012


Hubby finished the top part of the deck today.

It's a big deck.

A view of the top deck as you head up the steps.  Looks good.

Can't wait to get the table and other furniture back up on the deck.

Flower pots too.  Then it will look even better.

Now to get Hubby to finish the bottom deck.  Maybe before we leave for Wisconsin. We'll see.

Another find at a tag sale yesterday.  $1.  Woohoo.

Kings in the Corner is a great way for the girls to learn solitaire.

They had lots of fun playing this afternoon.

Think it's going to be a great summer past time.

Busy weekend now come to a close.

Busy week ahead getting ready for girls' luau birthday party.

It's on Thursday.

That's not enough time.

But I am sure it will all get done.  It always does.

potd #174.  Happy girls playing Kings in the Corner.  My battery died on my camera today, so I had to charge it.  Good thing I have the camera on my phone!

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