Thursday, September 20, 2012


Here are some words that can describe my day.

Word #1: Overwhelmed.

The response to my Distressed and Distraught was overwhelming.

I love writing my blog.  And on a normal day, I get about 30-40 pageviews.

Between 8pm last night and 8pm tonight, my blog received 449 pageviews.

How is that for overwhelming.

Just from a few links on Facebook.  Wow.

Word #2:  Thankful 

I am thankful for my friends.

I am thankful for all those that took the time to leave a comment on yesterdays' blog.

I am thankful for all those that left comments on my Facebook page.

I am thankful for all of those who know R and are astounded at what has happened to her.

Word #3:  Choices.

What happens matters.

The title of my blog.

And, oh how true those words are in life.

The title comes from a movie, Ghost Town.

Here is the quote from the movie, "We get just the one life, you know.  Just one. You can't live someone elses' or think it's more important just because it's more dramatic. What happens matters.  Maybe only to us, but it matters."

We all get just one life to live.

What we do with that life is what makes us the person we are to others.

I choose to be a good wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, citizen.

I choose to surround myself with others who live life similarly to myself.

I choose to have friends who help make me a better person.

Sure, I have my faults.  But I sure do hope my positive qualities outweigh the negative.

Words #4,5,6: Good, Kind, Helpful.

Everyday ever since the 1st day of Kindergarten, I have sent the girls off to school with a little phrase.

Be good.  Be kind.  Be helpful.

What does that mean, you ask?

Be good.  That's pretty easy.  All I ask is that they use good manners.  Take turns. Share.  Use please and thank you.  Listen to others.  Paying attention in class.  Be honest.

Be kind.  Again, pretty easy.  By being kind to others, others will be kind to them.  To me it falls under the "do unto others what you would have done to you" rule.  As D&E want to be treated is how I expect them to treat others.  Whether the others are their friends, classmates, or any adult.

Be helpful.  Also, pretty easy.  If someone is in need, I expect D&E to be one to offer help.  A classmate in the classroom or on the playground.  Helpful is also making sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing at any given time.  And sometimes being helpful is going above and beyond what is expected of them.

I admit there are some days where I may forget to remind them to "be good, be kind, be helpful."

But, I am hoping that through the repetition over the last few years that these lessons are becoming ingrained into their character.

Now I will move on to some fun words.

Word #7: Sore

I did bootcamp on Monday and Wednesday this week.

I was very sore this morning.

Today I played tennis with friends.

I am very sore tonight.

Muscles that I didn't know I had are sore.

Supposedly sore is good for me.

Doesn't feel it right now.

Word #8:  Sick

Hubby is sick.

He came home from a business trip very late Tuesday night.  It really was Wednesday morning.

Got in about 3:30 am.  There was plane trouble.

And he was sick. Started to get a cold while away.

And for all of you wives out there, it's a "Man Cold".

Had lunch with friends A, M, and C today.

Told them about Hubbys' "Man Cold".

If you haven't seen this skit, watch.  So funny.

And A, M, and C, this is for you since we talked about it at lunch.

Enjoy.  Your husbands won't have another cold without you thinking of the "Man Cold".

potd #262.  E with her saxophone.  She loves it.  I am excited for her to learn how to play another instrument.

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