Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Birthday Celebration

Well, actually it was a pre-birthday celebration.

Sissy and Nana share the same birthday.  September 11th.   Yes, that day.

Not such a great day to have a birthday.

Cape Sissy and niece M are here visiting.

Cape Sissy came up with the idea about a month ago to celebrate Sissy & Nanas' birthday this weekend.

We made it a surprise for them.

D&E and niece M made them a birthday banner.

There were 13 of us celebrating 2 very special people.

It was a wonderful night.

A yummy steak dinner with mashed potatoes and a summer squash casserole.


And a delicious cake from a local Italian bakery.

Super yum.

The best part is that their birthday isn't for another 10 days.

We get to celebrate it again.

I think everyone should have birthday month.

Sissy & Nana.

2 of my very favorite people in the world.  Love them.

potd #243.  The birthday banner that D&E and M made.  I think it came out great.  Nana loved it.  So did Sissy.  Happy pre-birthday Nana & Sissy.  Love you.


  1. Thanks for such a lovely night! Love you guys!

    1. love you too! have your birthday banner to give you!
