Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cape Work Day

Good day today at the Cape.

Being a work weekend, we had a bunch of furniture and cleaning to do.

In cleaning out Nanas' house, Uncle T brought a bunch of things down to the house at the Cape.

A small refrigerator, a twin bed, and all of Nanas' curtains(which we just bought with her last year) were among the things he brought.

Nevermind various hassocks, end tables, coffee table, a foldable cot, and sheet sets.

So our big job today was to get the attic loft clean and move some beds around in the house.

The twin bed was set up upstairs.

And we moved a day bed that was on his sun porch upstairs as well.

And our infamous "mattress bed" is no longer.  Those mattresses were all brought to the dump.

Hubby and Sissys' Hubby brought lots to the dump.

We also moved upstairs a couple of rugs that still had from when he replaced them with new ones in his dining room and living room.

Now the upstairs attic loft is very cozy.

And we can sleep 9 people up there.

Now there is 4 twin beds, 2 day beds, 1 queen bed, and a cot.

Next spring, Uncle T is expecting another twin sized bed for up there as well.

And amazingly we know just where it will be going up there.

Here are niece K, nephew Js' girlfriend E, and D&E chilling out upstairs after we finished our hard work.
We have all decided that we just love the way it looks up there now.

And I will say that I vacuumed up more cobwebs, sand, and dust than I would like.


But now it is very clean up there.

We also moved a couple chairs that were upstairs down onto the sun porch.

Now there's a nice place to sit on the porch and enjoy the fresh ocean air.

Sissy and I along with Cape Sissy also hung some of Nanas' curtains for Uncle T in the dining room.

Hubby and Sissys' hubby got the refrigerator hooked up in the basement.

That has been designated the beer/food overflow fridge for when we are all visiting.

Brilliant idea.

Hubby and Sissys' Hubby also used the shop vac to get the basement nice and clean too.

It's amazing how much sand and cobwebs can collect.


It was a very productive day.

Thank goodness it was cloudy and misty outside.

Otherwise we all would have been wishing we were outside on the beach instead of inside working.

potd #271.  Cloudy, misty day at the Cape.  Still one of my favorite views ever.  Even when it's cloudy and misty.  Hard to believe it's the end of the season.  Not sure we will make it back until spring.  We will see.

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