Monday, September 3, 2012


Tonight for dessert we enjoyed some of the leftover cake from Saturday night.

It is so.delicious.

Sissy & I found this particular kind of cake at a local Italian bakery.

Just in time for Sissy to buy it for niece Ks' graduation party.

And from that point on, we decided that it would be the official birthday cake in our family.

Even hubby loves it.  And he really doesn't like cake at all.

The cake is called "Italian Rainbow Cake".

It is just like the "Italian Rainbow Cookies" you will find at Italian bakeries.

Or in grocery stores around the holidays.

I have always loved those cookies.

And the cake is just the best.

Even on Saturday we were figuring out when the next family birthday is so we can have the cake again.

Thankfully Cape Sissy has a birthday in October.  And Hubbys' birthday is in November.

Yum. Yum. Yum.

And there is still a teeny little piece in the refrigerator.

It may call my name tomorrow while the girls are in school.

I may not be able to resist it's call.  We shall see.

But, my willpower with this cake is not strong.

potd #245.  Italian Rainbow Cake.  Yum.

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