Sunday, September 9, 2012

Post Diva Dash

What a great weekend with friends.

It seems only like yesterday when friend A convinced/conned us all into participating in the Diva Dash in celebration of her 40th birthday.

Yet that was back in May.

My initial reaction to doing the race was, "heck, no!!"

But doing it with friends was about the only thing that got me to say yes.

And I did think that I would have lots of time to train for the race.


Let's just say I can be good at procrastinating.  And it really did feel like I had lots of time.

Until about mid-August.

I did bootcamp a few times at the gym.

That was good.

But, I really do dislike running.

It's just not fun.

So, I really went into this race with no training.

And I am so very happy I did it and did ok.  Except for my calves.  They are a bit sore today.

And that I did it with friends.

I think that's the only way to do races.

We had a great time.

Lots of laughs.  So, so many laughs.

And we had a wonderful dinner out last night in honor of A for her birthday.

Here is a pre race pic of C and J.

We all had some pre-race jitters.  Natural, I am sure.

Pre race sunscreening.

It was warm out.  A nice breeze.  Not humid.

And thankfully not raining.  We all decided it would have been very bad if it was raining.

I love this picture of J before the race.

Here is a picture of C(same name as me!) showing off her arms.

She looks pretty tough.

C has the teeniest wrists of anyone we have ever seen.  Even her arms are teeny.

Our nickname for her(newly come up with) is "Sparrow".

Here is a picture of us all looking sassy before the race.

A is the 3rd from the left.  Happy 40th A!!

If she talked us into this for her 40th, I can't even imagine what she will talk us into for her 50th!

And here we all are post race.

Not looking quite as sassy.

But, we had the best shirts at the race.

Everybody who read them started laughing.

It was quite comical for us all to be walking around and have people just laugh as they read our shirts.

I can't even count the number of times we were stopped by people who told us how much they loved our shirts.

And how true our shirts were.

We were even asked where we bought them from.

The shirts were just perfect for this group to wear to this race.

Because we really do laugh so very much.

Thanks ladies for such a great weekend.

I (almost)can't wait to do it again.

potd #251.  Lucy went for a run with Hubby at the local park this afternoon.  She was wiped when she got home.  She must be a diva too.

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