Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday Songs on April Fool's

Today is Palm Sunday.

We had a wonderful service.  I always enjoy listening to our Pastors' sermon on Palm Sunday.  He does a wonderful overview of what Holy Week was like for Jesus and his disciples.

It's a good reminder of what Easter is really all about.

Here are the songs we sang today:
In The Name of The Lord
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
Agnus Dei
All is Well

My favorite from today is All is Well.

Today is also April 1st.  April Fool's Day.

The girls concocted a great idea yesterday on how they were going to get Hubby. Lipstick was to be involved.

So, they were up bright and early.  Emphasis on the early.

I shooed them away and told them to come back in a few more minutes.

Barely a few more minutes went by and they were back at my bedside.  I told them where they would find my lipstick.

Now, I will say that Hubby should win the Oscar for being able to lay still while lipstick was applied to his lips.  Applied by 2 very shaky, giggly 8 year old girls.

And off they went back to bed.  For a few more minutes.  Thinking they were letting Daddy sleep a little more.  Ha.

Hubby was most definitely awake and let's just say bright red lipstick is not really his color.

The girls came back in after a bit and Hubby was great at playing dumb.  D&E were so giggly.  They really couldn't contain themselves.  After not much convincing, Hubby was coaxed out of bed to go look in the mirror.

And the shriek he gave only let loose even more giggles by D&E.  They were so funny thinking that they had really "fooled" Hubby.

All day they waited for Hubby to pull his own April Fool's trick.   And Hubby let them sweat it out.  He thought that was much better than any trick he could pull on them.

Finally late this afternoon he switched up most of their stuffed animals they have on their beds.  This was done while they were at a birthday party for their friend, T.

All the way home I was peppered with questions about what I knew about the trick Hubby was planning.  Luckily, I knew nothing.

Once they figured out what Hubby had done to trick them, they were not very impressed.

Something tells me a more elaborate trick will be planned by both Hubby and the girls for next year.

potd #90.  Hubby started painting the trim in the bathroom today.  He read my blog. And he admitted he knew what my plan was as soon as I said I would pick out a new color.  Guess after 16 years of marriage, he really does know me!

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