Saturday, December 29, 2012

Let It Snow

It is snowing.

The weathermen earlier today were predicting 3-6" of snow.

By 7 o'clock tonight we already had close to 8".

Hubby and the girls went out to do some sledding.

Hubby decided to snowblow too.

Around 9 o'clock I went out to measure the snow on our deck table.
Yikes.  That's a lot of snow.

Especially for a storm that wasn't supposed to bring more than 6 inches.

I just recently checked the local tv station's website and now they are saying we are going to be getting 10-12+ inches of snow.

I think we may get even a bit more than that.

My pretty little tree on the back deck is getting buried.

It still looks pretty in the snow.  Even if it is a bit buried.

The girls are so excited about the snow.

They played outside 3x today.

And at bedtime they were already making plans to play outside tomorrow.

potd #362.  E outside in the snow.  Happy girl.  I think I may have a snowboarder on my hands.  Guess we'll have to get her some lessons on a real snowboard.

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