Friday, October 5, 2012

Long Travel Day

Boy, traveling is tiring.

As far as travel days go, today was a pretty easy day.

Flights on time.  Good weather.

And with Hubbys' Sky Priority status on Delta, boarding was a breeze.

And getting our bags at the baggage claim was almost too easy.

I actually felt bad for the people that were waiting there.

See, we had stopped to go to the restroom before going to baggage claim.

Then we headed downstairs.

Looked like just about the whole flight was waiting at the baggage carousel.

We got there just after luggage had started going round.

And we walked up and Hubby pulled our 3 suitcases off the baggage carousel.

Fellow passengers just looked at us.  Like they couldn't believe our luggage came off so quick and all together.

Like I said, I love Hubbys' Sky Priority.  It guarantees easy boarding and that luggage comes off plane first.

Woohoo.  I will try not to complain about the amount of traveling Hubby does in the future.

As long as it helps him keep the Sky Priority status.

Funny side story.

As we were getting off the plane in Phoenix, Vince Neil of Motley Crue was waiting to board the plane we were coming off.  Not sure where the next flight was headed.

Hubby saw him and pointed him out to me as we were walking away.

I had to look back to catch a glimpse of him.

And sure enough, hubby was right.  And even though I knew he wasn't tall, it was funny to see him in real life.  He really isn't that tall.

Looking forward to a good nights' sleep.

So far,  I am in love with the mountains.  They are just so very pretty.

potd #277.  The mountains are just amazing.  Definitely don't have anything like this back home.

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