Tuesday, October 16, 2012




As in needing some toothpicks to keep my eyes open tired.

I think my exhaustion from getting back into routine has caught up with me quick.

I don't think it helps that I was awake last night from about 2:30-4am.

Yeah, that definitely doesn't help.

D had woken up and was having a hard time getting back to sleep.

She complained that E was breathing too loud.


Let's just say I was not the nicest of mommies in the middle of the night last night.

I don't like my sleep to be interrupted at 2:30am, especially for a complaint of her sister breathing too loud.

Nope.  That didn't fly well with me last night.

So, I pretty much told D that she needed to quit it and go to sleep.  And get over the fact that she may *think* that E was breathing too loud.

Not one of my best mommy moments.  But, I was ridiculously tired.

And a bit tired of Ds' sleeping issues.  We had some trouble while we were away. But that's a whole other story.

By this time I was awake.  That's not good for me.  No sireee, not good at all.

I went back to bed and tried to go back to sleep.

I tossed.  I turned.  And repeated the process.  Then I read a bit in hopes of making me tired.

To no avail.

So I tossed and turned some more.

By this point I was just mad that I was awake and not sleeping when I was soooooooo tired.

Finally, finally exhaustion won out about 4am.  At least that was the last time I looked at the clock.

And all day I have been tired.

I am also hurting a bit from getting back to bootcamp yesterday after not going for 2 weeks.

So my body is physically tired too.

Let's just say I can't wait to go to bed tonight.

Hopefully for an uneventful night of sleep.

A full nights' sleep.

That will be heavenly.

potd #288.  I just love the hydrangeas in the fall.  So pretty.

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