Sunday, October 14, 2012


Today is Hubby & my wedding anniversary.

17 years.

Wow.  How did that happen?

October 14, 1995.

That feels so long ago and yet it feels like it wasn't that long ago.

Do you know what I mean?

We were young when we got married.  I was 22 and Hubby was a month shy of 22.

Babies.  Yet we didn't feel young.  And yet we were so young.

But,  I wouldn't change it for the world.

It was the right thing for us.

I love Hubby more today than I did the day we were married.

He is loving, funny, sweet, generous, kind, and hard-working.

Hubby is also the best father I could ever hope to have for my children.

And he puts up with my when I am, shall we say it, a wee bit cranky.

Yes he drives me nuts sometimes and can annoy me as well, but there's no one else I'd rather grow old with.

We genuinely have lots of fun together.

He is my best friend and my love for life.

And I love the life and family that we have made for ourselves.

It is the perfect life and family for us.

My heart is happy.

This was our wedding song.  (I Love You)For Sentimental Reasons.

I love you Hubby.  Always.

potd #286.  D loves her coon hat.  Here she is finishing up her vacation report.  I love how she wears it sideways.


  1. Happy Anniversary to two very special people. It was a pleasure spending time with you last week. Lots of love! Janet.

    1. Thank you Aunt Janet! Lots of love to you all too xoxo!
