Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Worst Sandwich

Busy day today.

Out with Nana & Sissy for the day.

Ran some errands.  Took Nana to lunch at Bertuccis.

She didn't like the sandwich that she & I split.

It was a Rosemary Chicken Pannini.

At the restaurant, Sissy & I could tell she wasn't happy with it.

Nana definitely has an "I don't like this" look.  Her eyebrows get very furrowed.

She did say that she wasn't really liking it.

Her quote on the sandwich was, "they put a little of this and a little of that and made a whole lotta nothing!"  She just cracks me up.

By the time we got home she told us it was, and I quote, "the worst sandwich I've ever had."

Again, she cracks me up.

Sissy & I have decided that we are never taking her back to Bertuccis again.  Ever.

We only have a few more weeks before Nana will be heading down to Florida for the winter.

Our little snowbird.

So we've decided to head back to a couple of our favorite restaurants for lunch.

Sissy & I are hoping to erase the memory of "the worst sandwich I've ever had" from her memory.

That's going to be tough though.  Nana's pretty darn sharp at 96.

I'm thinking next May when she comes back she'll be reminding us not to take her back to that place that has "the worst sandwich I've ever had."

Sissy & I are pretty smart.  We are definitely not going to make that mistake a second time.  No siree bob.

Maybe being smart like that means we'll be sharp as a tack at 96, God willing we get there.

It has been so much fun to spend time with Nana this summer.

I'm going to miss her when she leaves in a few weeks.

And I'll start counting down the time until she's back next Spring.

potd #268.  Lucy.  I was standing by the back door this afternoon.  Suddenly I felt Lucy settle in behind me.  Next thing I knew, she had nestled herself in between my feet.  She likes to be close.  Sweet, lovable Lucy.


  1. haha...she was very dramatic when she was making the faces...and declaring it "the worst sandwich ever!" i'm going to miss her too.
