Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sad Garden

Before I get to my sad looking garden, I must share a picture of Lucy.

I sat down to eat a bowl of yogurt tonight.

She loves yogurt.

She sat in front of me the whole time I was eating.

Looking at me with sad eyes.  Wanting me to share.

Willing me to share with her.

She pleads a strong case.

How can one resist those eyes?

She enjoyed licking the bit of yogurt I left her immensely.

Now, onto my sad garden.

With the very cool nights that we have had this week, my garden is looking very sad.

We had a great year in the garden.

Lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash/zucchini.

But now the garden is done for the year.

The tomatoes left on the vine have been hit by the cold.

Little black spots are on them, that is not good.

I think this weekend will bring the job of cleaning up the plants and cleaning out the garden beds.

And then the planning for next year can start.

potd #255.  Sad garden.  Definitely passed its prime.  Almost begging to be cleaned up at this point.  Poor sad tomatoes.  Until next year.

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