Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday Songs on Resurrection Sunday

He is Risen.

He is Risen, Indeed.

Rather than saying Happy Easter, our paster prefers to say Happy Resurrection Sunday.

So, Happy Resurrection Sunday to all of you.

Here are the songs we sang today:
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Christ Arose
God Arise
Days of Elijah

All of these are great songs.  The one that stuck with me all day was Christ Arose.

We sing a few hymns every now and then.  This one is definitely amongst my favorites.

Love the lyrics.  And there is a certain majesty about the tune.  A classic.

Up from the grave He arose
With a mighty triumph o'er his foes
He arose a Victor from the dark domain
And He lives forever with His saints to reign
He arose!  He arose!
Hallelujah!  Christ Arose!

We had a very nice morning with the girls before heading to church.  They enjoyed their Easter baskets.


And I/Hubby dodged questions about the Easter Bunny all day.  Let me stress, all day.

It's getting hard to dodge the questions.

Something tells me it won't be long now before they really figure it out.  And there will be more questions.

So Hubby & I need to decide what to do when the questions start again.

One sure thing is when the Easter Bunny goes, so will Santa & the Tooth Fairy.

While part of me is ALMOST ready to let it all go, there is a really big part of me that is very sad about losing D&E believing in those "characters".

It's another sign that my girls are growing up.  Boo.

I really need to figure out how to freeze them at 8.

After church we headed to Sissy's house for a wonderful Easter dinner.  We had a ham with lots of yummy side dishes.  Her mil makes the best potato salad.  Yum.

And there was an egg hunt.  I think my nephew J had a great time hiding all the eggs. Hubby helped him, but J just loved finding sneaky spots to hide the plastic filled eggs.

potd #97.  A purple egg hidden around some pretty little Johnny Jump-ups that have sprouted on the edge of Sissys' back porch.  I will post more egg hunt pics tomorrow.

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