Yesterday, I did some
Year of the Cat cleaning.
I had a couple bags of paperwork/notebooks that needed to be looked at and yesterday was the perfect day to get it done.
Luckily, most of it could be recycled or thrown away.
I did come across some cute drawings by the girls that were saved.
I also came across a few notebooks. I collect notebooks kind of like I collect sour cream. If I am out and I think I need a new notebook for some reason, I buy one. Only to find out when I get home that I had a perfectly good notebook that could have been used.
I really buy notebooks because I like to make lists.
So, a couple of the notebooks had old Christmas lists written in them. One had the plans for a girlfriends' baby shower. Another had the descriptions I had written of many things I had sold on Ebay way long ago.
I cleaned out those notebooks--tearing out the used pages. Then keeping what was left to use another time. Let's just hope the next time I am out and think I need a notebook, I remember there are about 5 notebooks(at least) back at home ready to be used.
One notebook I came across had a list of questions/answers that I had asked the girls a few years ago. I can't remember where I found the list of questions. The answers the girls gave me are quite funny.
Here are the questions/answers as I found them written in the notebook:
1. What is something Mom says?
D: Be good, Be kind, Be helpful(I came up with this when the girls went to Kindergarten, saying it to them each day when they got on the bus & I still say it to them)
E: We can't wash our bouncy balls anymore(this is funny! they love to collect bouncy balls and loved to wash them in the bathroom sink sometimes. Let's just say water was a problem.)
2. What makes Mom happy?
D: when we snuggle in the morning
E: when we listen to you
3. What makes Mom sad?
D: When I lose something that's very special
E: When we are at school and you miss us
4. How does Mom make you laugh?
D: when you make funny faces
E: when you tickle me
5. What was Mom like when she was little?
D: you had wavy hair and a cute nose(I'd like to think my nose is still cute!)
E: you had small green eyes
6. How old is Mom now?
D: 35
E: 35
7. What does Mom like?
D: Ice cream
E: your necklace with the baby shoes
8. What is Mom's favorite thing to do?
D: Snuggle with us in the morning
E: Bake
9. What does Mom do when you're not around?
D: Go shopping
E: Shop with Auntie
10. If Mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
D: Because you'll be rich
E: Because you're a good teacher
11. What is Mom really good at?
D: Baking
E: Baking cookies
12. What is Mom not very good at?
D: Playing piano
E: Cutting pineapple(I'll have you know I am an expert pineapple cutter now)
13. What does Mom do for a job?
D: Take care of us
E: Take care of us & feed us
14. What is Moms' favorite food?
D: Pesto pizza
E: Pizza( I am guessing we most likely had pizza for dinner the night before we did this!)
15. What makes you proud of Mom?
D: You listen to God
E: You listen to Auntie(ok, sissy, don't let this go to your head!!)
16. If Mom was a cartoon character, which would she be?
D: Ariel
E: Jerry from Tom & Jerry
17. What do you & Mom do together?
D: Snuggle(she is definitely my happy snuggle girl, since she answered it so many times!)
E: Shop
18. How are you & Mom the same?
D: We have freckles on our noses
E: We both have green eyes
19. How are you & Mom different?
D: I have blue eyes & you have green
E: I have big lips & you have small lips
20. How do you know Mom loves you?
D: You give lots of kisses
E: You snuggle us
21. What does Mom like most about Dad?
D: His spiky hair(haha!!)
E: He's handsome
22. Where is Moms' favorite place to go?
D: Target or Florida
E: Disney World
23. How tall is Mom?
D: 15 lengths
E: 18 lengths(these both make me laugh so hard! What is a length?!?)
I just love that I did this with them. And I am so happy I came across that notebook. Their answers make me laugh and smile.
I think I am going to sit down with them and ask these same questions again.
It will be very interesting to see if any of the answers are the same. Or not.
potd #82. This is a close-up of a hob nail milk glass bud vase I found while thrifting with Sissy this week. It is marked "EO Brody Co" on the bottom. The EO Brody Co. was a famous maker of milk glass. They are out of Ohio. From what Sissy & I are learning while thrifting, Ohio was a hotbed for milk glass and pottery(dishes, plates, etc) making. Thank goodness for a smart phone when thrifting!